#DiyanaThought: 8 More Months Before Changing My Status

Checklist of ????
Hi good afternoon everyone! Yay now we're in June and we have another 6 months before we end our 2020. Fuh, what an experience lol. After living inside the house for almost 3 months since March, without any weekly dates, or casually going out with our friends now we're in recovery mood therefore, it's a huge success for Malaysia. This is all for all Malaysian that are working hard to fulfilled the SOP requirements and also our governments & KKM help to actually arrange the whole situation. Even though we haven't found vaccine yet, I guess everyone is adapting to this new norm.

Okay back to the story why I'm writing this? I'm writing this because I'm so f nervous. I just realised that this is June and there are actually 8 more months before the big day! KYAAAA!!!!!! I mean am I ready? Am I ready to actually pick up the responsibility? to be honest, I am not sure. I am still childish, barely cook and get emotional the whole time but I'm going to turn 26 soon, i mean 26 years old kot! I takut pulak, I takut I can't be the right person for that person but whatever, I need to learn. 

but what should i learn though? 

Okay, I should try be calm. Nervous banyak mana pun, bukan boleh bantu to arrange the the preparations pun. so far, preparation untuk engagement je dah settle but for the day itself, since the package that we took pun provide almost everything, so macam tak risau sangat. just left with small small things so InsyaAllah, harapnya everything will turns out well. 

Okay la, I'm done writing because I felt a little bit relieved. beside no one really read my blog except for my teammate. lol, Yin, if you read this.. Gotcha!

Another okay for me, gotta go. time to sleep because I miss sleeping a lot. okay bye bye!

