#DiyanaStory: Pregnancy, Labor & Newborn Baby!! ❤️

Assalamualaikum & a good day to everyone yang baca ni! Believe me, I know, I did not update at all.. but guess what, i just bought an apps yang I boleh update through my phone so apa apa, I can just write  things.. lol. You don’t know how much I miss writing, banyak draft je I buat tapi satu pun tak ter-post but I’ll make sure i post this one as this story is very close to my heart and something yang I tak nak lupa, haa gittew.

So basically, i was pregnant… and I’ve resign from my job during my first trimester. So far dalam pregnancy journey I, okay la. Tak teruk and not that good as well. My first trimester, I don’t eat well, I muntah every single meal despite of me teringin. I remembered waktu tu malam, and I really really want lychee, syed pi beli and i end up muntah lepas makan satu cawan.. 

And then second trimester came, and I was energetic, I literally ate everything and end up, hujung second trimester i was diagnosed with GDM or orang kata kencing manis time pregnant. 😵‍💫 so syed memang cut habis my food, no more sweet and more to healthy food! (Little did he knew, i do cheat sometimes bila dia pi kerja), but then yeah everything go smooth sampai la hujung pregnancy, okay tak hujung la, time minggu yang 37, I went for a check up and they saw kaki i bengkak, and sudden weight gain (My weight is around 56kg at that time)

One hour before admitted to hospital.
Tengok gambar, bengkak kan? Bila dah kaki normal balik, tengok gambar ni rasa cam… serious la kaki acenggitu but untuk ibu ibu pregnant, if you kaki bengkak teruk, berat badan naik mendadak, cepat cepat inform nurse okay? Takut you pre-eclampsia which is.. i almost had one.
So into the next journey, my labor journey. During my KK visit, I punya bp quite tinggi & weight increased rapidly, so they asked me to do daily monitoring and to go hospital directly kalau bp i lebih 140/90. Malam tu jugak syed pergi beli machine untuk check bp and the next day, bp i tinggi. Paling rendah 141/85.
Waktu pergi hospital tu, just nak check je sebab harap sangat tak admitted ward lagi because I’m not ready.. 🥺 however bila Dr. check, memang kena confirm kena admit plus kena paksa bersalin! You bayangkan betapa cuaknya seketul diyana time tu. 

First time masuk jarum.
So yeah, I was admitted at 26/10/21, lepas maghrib. Ah, nervous first time admit tuuuu. And then macam biasa check up semua, pagi pukul 5:30am, 27/10/21, i kena induce dengan ubat. Oh time tu first time kena “seluk”, sakit jugak la, tapi very uncomfortable ya. 
Basically it helps untuk bukakan bukaan tapi yang kelakarnya, bukaan i 1cm je after one day, patutnya kena masuk ubat lagi but then ada doctor tak agree sebab my contractions intense kata nurse. Dah 29/10/21, baru buka 3cm tapi tapi lepas je dari breakfast, nurse datang cakap labor room dah panggil. Kelam kabut syed pergi hospital 🤣
So i was advised untuk ambil epidural sebab bp i tinggi even tak pecahkan air ketuban semua, so I took it even I’ve heard a lot of side effects. Time tu i tak fikir apa, I just want my baby to be born safe & sound. Seram sejuk jugak time ambil jarum tu, sebab panjang woi! But then I successfully took it and Alhamdulillah, sis tak gerak ye time dia cucuk (okay tergerak sikit, sebab terkejut. Nasib baik ada nurse tolong tenangkan). Dah ambil epidural tu, pecahkan air ketuban tak rasa sakit, contractions sampai 100++ pun rasa macam period pain biasa… sampai la satu tahap……. I feel contractions pain even 30+, time tu memang rasa nak terberak tapi sis takut and tak nak syed bagitahu dr. Sebab last Dr. check bukaan baru 4cm, but then bila i asyik sakit jeee, nurse check oh dah boleh meneran. Teran punya teran, eh keluar la my seketul Syarifah Intan Inara 💛
Chenta hati mummy & daddy
Okay la, macam panjang pulak. Timing Inara nak susu pulak, next time I’ll share apa yang you kena bawak & prepare if you ever nak bersalin kat hospital kerajaan, especially dekat hospital bersalin Kuala Lumpur. Okay la, see you next time reader! (If i ever have a loyal one lol)
Xoxo, dee ❤️
