#DiyanaAdvice: What You Need To Prepare if You Plan to Give Birth In Goverment Hospital
Back with another entry! Woohoo 🤣 I guess I just want to write to release stress tapi at the same time, I just want to prep all the future moms, ibu, umi terutamanya first time mama if ever korang plan nak bersalin dekat hospital kerajaan dekat Malaysia ni sebab I remember mine, I tak tahu nak refer mana so I banyak google. I hope if you ever crossed my post, I do hope it helps you a lot in preparing for labor soon! So let’s get started 😉 Okay first thing first, you kena tahu bila timing you nak pergi hospital. Kalau you ada tanda tanda ni: Contractions within 10 minutes Keluar darah/lendir/air ketuban Tu memang kena cepat cepat pergi hospital dekat bahagian emergency! Oh, sakit contractions tu macam sakit period pain yang perut you mengeras & you rasa sakit teruk ya. Selalu bila macam tu, diaorang direct bawak you pergi labor room dulu, baru bawak you pergi ward biasa. And one tips, make sure you makan something even sakit pun, because you need a lot of energy to push your small...